Ways to Rid a Home of Drywood Termites

bullet imagebullet imageIf a homeowner learns that they have an infestation it can create a time of frustration, anxiety, and panic. Individuals will want to remedy the situation as soon as possible, not only for their own sanity, but in an effort to prevent the infestation from worsening. Although there are a large amount of frequently experienced infestations, the most common in Los Angeles is a termite invasion. These nasty little bugs can do serious damage to a person's home and furnishings within the home. Los Angeles Termite Control companies understand the homeowner's frustrations and are trained to safely rid the home promptly. In addition, these professionals will take precautionary steps in order to ensure the infestation will not return.

Through a professional contractor that specializes in la termite control, a homeowner can feel at ease and confident that they will no longer have to share their home with the creatures who have invaded it. There are several methods that will be used to exterminate the termites, however, in order to determine which method will be used, the pest control employee will first need to determine what type of infestation the homeowner is experiencing. In Los Angeles, the species that frequent homes are known as drywood termites. Unlike their cousins, this species does not need to have contact with soil, which makes the case a bit more complicated. The two methods provided through termite pest control service:


This method has to be conducted when the residents are outside of the home. This process entails releasing chemicals into the air. It is known as the most effective method, however it is quite expensive. There are several steps that need to be taken in order for a home to be ready for the process, which includes bagging up food, removing all plants, turn off air conditioning units, and rodent pest control company remove all valuables. It is important to note that it does not provide protection to the home, therefore re-infestation is still something that can happen.

Spot or Topical Applications

If the infested area is readily available and it is not suspected that the infestation has spread to other areas of the home, this option may be a good choice. Through this method a concentrate or a foam is inserted at the infected area. This method does provide protection against re-infestation and is a less expensive alternative.

Contact Los Angeles Termite Control today and begin living in your home comfortably again.